Dersut caffè: The tradition, taste, and art of espresso coffee. Retail and quality products around the world


During the Cibus Lab Workshop dedicated to breakfast, last January 26, 2021, the Dersut Caffè company emphasized its long history of roasting, full of tradition that blends and is embodied with particular attention to the quality of their product.

The strength of this historic Italian manufacturer, which in 2020 reached its 70th anniversary, lies in the care of each element, from the attention to the choice of the origin of the ingredients, to the care of the transformation phase, presenting itself to the consumer, in its finished product, with a philosophy that has the strength to represent 100% the values ​​of Made in Italy.

A commitment to passing on and sharing its tradition led the company to give life to a particular project, the opening of the “Dersut Coffee Museum” which took place 10 years ago. Since its inception, we see all the processes that contribute to the creation of the finished product.


(Marketing Manager & Special Prosecutor – Dersut Coffee)


Dersut Caffè and its history are also represented by 125 points of sale that have been present nationally since 2001 and represent a place where the culture of coffee and its tasting find their maximum expression. The corporate retail channel represents not only a strategy for spreading one’s brand but also a method for disseminating one’s values, translating into a positive, intense, and above all, unique experience for the end customer.

In all this, there is room for a look to the future and exports. In practice, the company is looking for a business partner who embraces the same values ​​in order to allow Dersut Caffè to spread even more incisively and importantly.

Dersut Caffè has made a commitment to donate every year to medical care and examinations in favor of young women for the prevention and fight against breast cancer.