Pistì: The beauty of the Sicilian tradition in the world


Italian quality enjoys international recognition: the whole world looks at the typical products of Italy with admiration, as well as with a certain gluttony. “Among the companies that best represent our country abroad, there is also Pistì” – Antichi Sapori dell’Etna. Nino Marino, commercial director of the company, intervened in the Cibus Lab workshop “Snack & Breakfast: the post-pandemic future of sweet coffee, snacks, and jams” recently collaborated with Cibus Fiere Parma to meet other important players in the industry on breakfast products.

Pistì was born about twenty years ago on the slopes of Etna from an ambitious project, but with the commitment to preserve and promote the Sicilian agricultural culture. The company has its roots in Bronte, which is the birthplace of the Sicilian fruit, par excellence, which stands out for its value and taste: pistachio.


(Commercial Direttore – Pistì)


The Pistì supply chain boasts 3,000 hectares of pistachio groves, whose harvest amounts to 4 million kg, and therefore only 35% of the material used in the production is imported from abroad.

As the IRI data tell us, the category had welcomed 2020 with important data, and then suffered a stasis in the lockdown period, which Pistì left towards the month of May, returning to record double-digit numbers, with an important increase in 25%.

Pistì’s presence in large-scale distribution is now a certainty, thanks also to the flagship product: the spreadable cream. But it is not only Italy that enjoys these excellences. The company is, in fact, present in 41 states. It is also involved in production on behalf of large-scale foreign distribution, where the leavened products are the masters.

2021 will be a year of projects for Pistì, which has already drawn up a business plan for the construction of a new structure to complement the original one, whose production lines will be renovated. Last goal, but certainly not for ambition: the landing in the United States with a new production plant.