The Cibus Off

The charm of fine food continues beyond the trade show, thanks to Cibus Off, the special program of off-show events, taking place downtown Parma.


curated by Chiara Canali and Camilla Mineo

HOMO DEUS is the keyword of the eighth edition of the PARMA 360 Contemporary Creativity Festival, curated by Chiara Canali and Camilla Mineo. In an era of great prosperity but also instability for Western civilizations, the humanity of the future will have to face new challenges related to climate change, habitat alteration, and resource management. Emanuele Giannelli, one of the most celebrated contemporary sculptors, is the protagonist of widespread exhibitions that animate spectacular and unprecedented locations from fairs to the historic center with works that investigate Man in his simultaneously human and non-human essence, balancing between an uncertain and globalized future.

The Korf Exhibition by Emanuele Giannelli

May 7th-10th

Cibus After Space

For the first time at the Parma Exhibitions Fairs, two monumental works of almost 5 meters by sculptor Emanuele Giannelli will be present, positioned to welcome visitors. With arms folded and gazing upward, the Korfs stand hieratic and imperious in the act of scanning a faraway space, in search of their own vision and future.


May 7th-8th and 9th • 6 PM - 11 PM

San Ludovico Church

Every evening, this charming location will also host public events with live music entertainment and DJ sets.


May 7th-19th, 2024 • 10 AM - 1 PM and 3 PM - 7 PM

Complex of San Paolo

Welcome to Yesterday” by Alexander Yegorov is the work that won the third edition of the “Irinox Save The Food” Award at MIA Photo Fair, the most important Italian photography fair, presented by Vice President Katia Da Ros, a member of the jury along with Claudio Composti, curator of the exhibition, and Edda Fahrenhorst. A shot with a strong symbolic power capable of expressing through food multiple meanings such as peace, life, death, hope and the future, while also raising awareness about food waste. A special mention was also given to Simone Matti‘s “Poca roba” for its ability to address the issue of food waste and emphasize the importance of each individual’s daily behavior in limiting this problem. Both photographs express the essence of the award supported by IRINOX SpA – a Benefit Company that values photography as an art able to tell the story of food in its many variables and social economic, cultural implications.

Special tours of the PILOTTA

May 8, 2024

During Cibus, the ``Amici della Pilotta`` are offering special tours of the Monumental Complex of the Pilotta in the center of Parma. Day May 8 from 7-10 pm you can take a short cultural walk to discover the most evocative spaces of the Complex. Discounted rates for Cibus participants. For info and reservations contact

Photo credits Giovanni Hanninen