La Pizza +1: the originality of its offer with a wholly strategic shelf life


La Pizza+1 is certainly a strategic supplier of focaccia, but it is not possible to limit the company to this single declination. Marco Nicora, sales manager of La Pizza +1, spoke at the Cibus Lab workshop to allow us to delve into the reality of savory bakery from the point of view of his company. From its origins, La Pizza + 1 has operated in the sector of refrigerated pizzas and focaccias, acquiring a wealth of experience in the sector. Even before the pandemic turned the trend towards long-life bakery products, La Pizza +1 was already advancing the offer of ambient focaccia at fixed weight with an interesting assortment and a strong emphasis on artisanal foods, typical of classic bakery products.


The freshness of the focaccia, created with simple ingredients and no preservatives, is guaranteed for two weeks upon delivery to the stores: this is the main distinguishing feature of the product. This line already received a lot of positive feedback from mass market retail at the end of 2019, to the point of establishing itself as a market leader in the assortment related to ambient, refrigerated and frozen focaccia.


La Pizza +1 offers a high-quality and convenient service both to the distributor, who no longer has to take care of the entire preparation of the fresh product and has the possibility to massify without providing for daily consumption (the shelf life of their focaccia is not limited, as written above, to a single day), and to the consumer. In fact, the latter has the guarantee of an excellent product which keeps its freshness even in the days following the purchase. These aspects have played a fundamental role in the last year for La Pizza +1 as they managed to face and meet the needs arising from the pandemic: the limited access to supermarkets and the consequent need to choose products with a long shelf life. The combination of these factors and the company’s farsightedness gave life to a growth of La Pizza +1 even in the Covid-19 era, reaching one third of the market shares in the focaccia segment with a very high rotation.


(Sales Manager – La Pizza + 1)



La Pizza +1, however, does not limit itself to traditional focaccia only, as it proposes a variety of different bakery products, ready to inaugurate a new factory in order to face the varied and massive production. The next company objective, reveals Nicora, will be approaching the global market with a different formula compared to the one proposed to the Italian large-scale retail trade. In order to cope with the inevitably prolonged timelines for export, La Pizza +1 is focusing on frozen-to-ambient products, which are presented frozen and then undergo a thawing process and reach the consumer in all their fragrance.


The offer of pizzas, as opposed to focaccias, is also strongly tied to specialized markets and therefore had to face unavoidable difficulties in the Ho.Re.Ca and cash & carry sectors, even with the counterbalance of the turnover generated by the exploit among historical customers and in the large-scale retail trade channels, with remarkable growth rates that also involve products that were previously less quoted, such as pinsa. The pandemic has therefore had an undoubtedly negative impact on countless aspects of the market, but La Pizza +1 deserves credit for having been able to anticipate trends and successfully face such a difficult moment.